Just back from today's craft fair, feet sore & freezing but it went quite well really. Thought you might just like to see some pics of my stall. These were taken just before it started this morning, have to do the same all over tomorrow but in a different venue.
Wow Jenni, it looks amazing..you must have worked really hard
Jenni your stall is fantastic. I spent ages looking. I adore the brooches you made. How did you make them please and will you be putting one on your blog ? What fantastic things you make. I have just been making some pendants ( pic on my blog , the art blog ) and am trying new things all the time. Love your work my friend
Hugs June xxx
Hi Jenni, I too have been looking at your pics forever!!!!! They are fantastic pieces, really colourful - LOVE them, would love to see more pics of individual pieces, maybe you should have a section on your blog for them!! :D Keep up the fantastic work. xxxxxxx
Wow Jenni, your stall looked amazing, wish I had been able to come to the fair, would have prob brought most of your stock. Love the fairies, my daughter Georgia would just love them. You should start taking orders hun, Heidi xxx
Hi Jenni thanks for your comments on my tag pendants.
I bought a job lot of tags which had childrens names inside them from ebay and took them apart and altered them. I got 47 for £5.19 including postage so not bad :)
Hugs June x
Oh my word - this is amazing Jenni - you certainly have been very busy..and what a talented person you are. ;) :)
And no my craft area is not that tidy - that was it all tidied up especially for the pic - even had to half crush the cat to get her to stay still, lol, lol
Thanks for you email for your favourite name of my list - really appreciate you joining in. :) :)
Jenni, your stall is brilliant. You have a real range of talent. I bet you have no trouble selling all those items.
Julie x
So much fabulousness to look at - I wish I had been to that craft fair too. Amazing work xx Karen
Jenni, my friend you are sooooooo talented, if I was at a craft fair a stall like that would certainly draw me in, colourful and bright, with some really funky things, well done, hope you made loads of pennies to spend on new crafty stuff, I think you should think about taking orders online, any chance you can put photos of individual items on for us to lust after, for our next wap Id like a fairy LOL, Siobhan
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