I was sent this award by the lovely Rachel who won my anniversary blog candy last month, thanks so much Rachel - glad you liked your goodies!
I had to answer all the questions with single word answers - harder than you might think : )
and pass the award to 5 others - I'll have to get back to you on that!
1) Where is your cell phone? - Handbag
2) Hair? - Untidy
3) Your mother? - Home
4) Your father? - Heaven
5) Your fav food ? - Curry
6) Your Dream last night ? - Forgotten
7) Your fav drink ? - Green-tea
8) Your dream goal ? - Published
9) What room are you in ? - Lounge
10) Your hobby ? - Crafting
11) Your fear? - Homelessness
12) Where do you want to be in 6 years time ? - Here
13) Where were you last night ? - Working
14) Something that you aren't ? - Thin
15) Muffins ? - Yuck
16) Wishlist item - Craftroom
17) Where did you grow up ? - Scotland
18) Last thing you did ? - Commented
19) What are you wearing ? - Sloppys
20) Your T.V ? - Off
21) Your pets ? - Cat
22) Your friends ? - Supportive
23) Your life ? - Busy
24) Your mood ? - Worried
25) Missing someone ? - Daughter
26) Vehicle ? - Polo
27) Something you're not wearing ? - Hat
28) Your fav store ? - Craft
29) Your fav colour ? - Turquoise
30) Last time you laughed ? - Earlier
31) Last time you cried ? - Yesterday
32) Your best friend ? - Husband
33) One place you go to over and over ? - Library
34) One person who emails regularly ? - Friend
35) Fav place to eat ? - Bed!
36) Facebook ? - Ocasionally
glad you like it!... and yes i do LOVE my candy :)
Rachel xx
thanks so much for the lovely award will post on blog later today.thanks for thinking of me
hugs judex
Thanks for the award Jenni.....if you want to see my answers they are on a post dated 11th Nov.....it was given to me then by Helene :)
Carol x
Thanks for the award Jenni, the answers are on my blog ;-)
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