I have been tagged by June
The rules are that you go to your photo albums on your pc (or in my case Mac), open the 6th album, choose the 6th picture and explain.
The photo is of my mum - Neil was trying to get a portrait of her that he could use on her website. This was not the picture he used in the end but I actually like it better although she does look a bit serious, take a look at the website (which is still under construction after at least a couple of years!!!) and see which you prefer.
I now need to tag five others so I'm going to get back to this a little later......
Hi Jenni, thanks for this its so lovely this tag game :) I love the pic of your mum and went to the website and saw the other one and i tend to agree with your hubby... i like the profile one its rather arty and she is smiling more.
I didnt realise your mum is a writer but i do actually recognise her name now that i saw this. I have a feeling i may have either read a book by her or at least looked at one. My memory is rubbish for these things. How lovely to be published this way too
Hugs and thanks for sharing interesting photo and info
June xxx
hahaaha jennie ive tagged you again, oops . .. .sorry
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