The snow has really disrupted my plans over the last couple of days, I was supposed to go to a demonstrators training session on Thursday 40 miles away from here and was all set and ready to go but just after the kids had gone off to school it started to snow. I emailed the organiser and she said there was no snow in Dunblane where we were supposed to meet so still planned to leave in time to get there but by 10.15 it was much heavier and didn't look like letting up so I felt forced to cancel. Actually I was more concerned about getting back safely and in fact it kept snowing until after 2pm.
Was really disappointed, I'd really been looking forward to going! Anyway I did get a few extra cards done for today's craft fair and managed to organise all my bits and pieces ready to display all my goodies which was helpful since I was working all day yesterday. But late in the day Neil phoned to say that there had been a phone message saying that, because of the snow, the fair was cancelled - doh!! What am I going to do with all these Valentine's cards now?!
It was snowing again when I got up today so planned to make a few cards, since I had the day off after all, but alas no inspiration so just messed around with my alcohol inks and did a few backgrounds for ATCs and stuck a few bits to others I'd already started so not a complete waste of time.

These two cards I made the other day with a new stamp set I got from Woodware, it's called Oriental Ladies - aren't they cute little ladies?