Hi there, if you have arrived at my blog following the link from
Jennifer's blog you're on the right track, if not you should go to
Denise's blog to start the hop from the beginning.
Blog Hop (the first of 4 happening over the next few weeks) is all about an eight year old called Bella who developed a serious illness at
Easter this year. Although the survival rate was very low, she was a brave fighter and made it through a 5 day coma. Unfortunately, she lost her arms and legs to the disease. You can read the story in depth at
http://www.bellatucker.org/We are calling on the crafting community to bring a little sunshine into Bella's life over the next 4 weeks by sending her your cards and good wishes, I couldn't decide between the two cards I have made so plan to send them both!
The address to send your card to is:
The Bella Tucker Fund P.O. Box 199 Londonderry NH 03053 USA

My cards feature my two newest digi stamps
Chloe and
Sophie - available now from
Cardmadfairy's Creations - and I plan to give both of these new images along with 3 other images of the winner's choice to one random commenter when this blog hop ends on Monday, once you have left your comment you need to pop over to
Lisa's blog to continue the hop.
There will also be a
Grand Prize for one lucky blog hopper and the details can be found
here on Erin's blog.
Thanks so much for joining in today!